Here, I attempt to write in Telugu, Hindi and English.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Technology and Poverty - Scott on Writing

Scott on Writing: "Technology and Poverty
SoCal developer Rob Walling recently returned from a three week trip to Ghana, West Africa where he spent his time training the people of Ghana how to build websites. He's got a great piece on his site, Using Technology to Fight Poverty, which gives some details about his trip and some insight into the hopes of many of the developers Rob met and the great poverty that affects Ghana and many other nations like it:
One of the employees at the IT facility where I lead website training asked how he could learn ASP and PHP (a couple of common web programming languages). He wants to learn web development so he can move to the UK in search of a better life. Since there is very little computer work in Ghana, someone who acquires technical skills quickly leaves the country in search of opportunity. Can you say brain drain?"

I was going through this peice of blog entry by Scott at

Reading this made me remember some of the people who contact me through TIG/whom I had come across, their lives that they tell, some of the promises made by me to them, and the failures from my part.

I am a culprit in the sense that I invoked some hopes for a person in promising that I would assist him in learning technology and till date, didnt live upto it. making a promise and not living upto it is a big sin in my view.

Well, like many other times, even this time, am thinking not to repeat it, but this time, it got to go for implementation


vaasu said...

you do maintain lot of blogs..appreciate your spirit of blogging.

Keep blogging:)

Ray of Thoughts said...

Nice blog..naa blog kooda choodu.

Anonymous said... good post